I have been following question 2 since I heard about it, and it's looking like its going to pass . Anyone not familiar, it would decriminalize under an ounce, making it a $100 fine: http://stash.norml.org/2008/08/14/72-favor-massachusetts-decrim-measure-question-2/. How will all the mass heads celebrate if it gets decriminalized?
i would imagine a majority would go buy some good weed and smoke it in celebration...not sure though...
Just watch out for loopholes...NY is supposedly the same way but they have a "public burning of marijuana" charge that will still give you a misdemeanor.
Sounds good to me, less trouble. And maybe it would make marijuana more popular around here and it would be easier to find. It's been pretty hard trying to find some right now, the whole area is dry pretty much. If there's less trouble then hopefully more people will smoke and sell it here.
ill split an apartment with you man PA laws suck ass too and the cops in my town make it even worse!! shit, i can see it now...wed be sitting around all day smoking mad blunts and eating mad waffles...itll be fuckin aswome
yeah celebrate but as RandR said there will probably be loopholes. Weed is decriminalized but paraphenalia aint here in NY. one shitty bowl or grinder and its a misdemeanor anyway. Congrats if it passes but dont get too complacent just yet.