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Keep Your Chin Up

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Krad, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. I've been smoking for over 3 years now. At first it was cool, I had a great dealer that picked up from a grower. He'd de-stem and make sure you get your monies worth. But suddenly he moved out of my state and had to make new connects. For 2 years now I've been picking up from friends of friends and so on. It sucks. Not because they aren't steady but because of all the hands the bud goes through. For each hand, price goes up. In NJ, that's the last thing I need.

    Regardless, I enjoy my smoke and I'll budget accordingly to do so. But recently, all these "little dealer" have gone to the crapper. Complete garbage and they want to charge an arm and a leg.

    But just a week ago, I met a friends brother who grows himself. Fuckin JACKPOT! I used to pay $400/oz. Now I'm down to $275/oz! And he also has $10/g bag when times get rough.

    I just wanted to share my luck with all you. Prices around here and crazy but you just gotta keep your head up high and bong real low. Good luck!
  2. Ha you lucky bastard! Send some of that up the coast.
  3. Wicked! Although I do feel a little bit guilty, here I pay 220 /oz. Guess thats a perk of living in the great country up north ;)

  4. im in victoria and thats what i pay for my super dank like purple kush.
    i can still get some pretty dank bud for 150 /o but generally go for the good stuff :)
  5. I pay 20/gram. Damn weed prices. :smoke:

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