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keep bowl squeaky clean or resined to hell?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wv dro, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. i cant decide if i should clean my bowl or leave resin to show how much ive smoked out of it.

    what will eat resin if i decide to go clean?
  2. IMO keep it squeaky clean. Clean after every use. This way you can really taste the weed which i like. It also IMO hits smoother
  3. spoons never get cleaned bongs and bubblers are clean weekly.
  4. dont clean until its too resinated to take hits out of
  5. Call it gross, but I resin up my pipe by refraining from cleaning it for about 2 months of smoking dank. Then I hold a flame to the inside of the bowl for about 3 seconds to make the resin softer and scrape it off with a pen cap.

    Clean the pipe and now you got a clean pipe and resin ball. Smoke on top of a bed of flower and Bon Appétit. :D
  6. Both...?

    Clean it every 3 months. Then take resin hits. :bongin:
  7. meh i don't like smoking tar that contains around 1% THC
  8. I am super anal about how clean my pipes are. Althrough right now I wish I had some to smoke, I would even smoke resin right now.
  9. i keep my slides really clean cause otherwise i get these little specks of tar on my lip which i would rather not taste
  10. A ball burns for a while though. Idk gets me high:bongin:
  11. are we talking about a spoon, or a bong bowl? either way i clean mine after every use cause i like 2 taste my high quality buds, if you're smoking schwag i wouldn't clean it too often.
    you can either use rubbing alcohol and table salt throw it in a ziplock bag and shake, or my preferred method is let it soak in simple green
  12. My pipe I clean whenever the resin gets caked on the bottom, don't use it much anymore though. My bowl on my bong I clean every once in a while, I scape it every other bowl though.
  13. I try to clean it as much as possible for better tasting hits. I only smoke high grade though, so the resin isn't too bad, the last time I hit my buddies pipe that had a bunch of mids smoked out of it I could taste the resin in the hit. I hate to be one of those snobs but, never again.

  14. This. Were stoners not drug fiends.
  15. My pipe is completely clogged with resin and although in desperate times of need i can always go rip the resin but every other sesh ill have to rip the resin just to get enough suction for a normal bowl, its kinda annoying. i would clean my pipe but i dont really know how hah :D
  16. Resin is eh here and there if im dry and super super bored why not.

    But I clean my bong every chance I get.
  17. 90%+ rubbing alcohol and table salt. Put it in a sandwich/gallon ziplock bag and shake for a few minutes. You can let it sit overnight or however long you want to get all that res off. Make sure the whole pipe is submerged and you will be good to go. :wave:
  18. I smoke out of my pipe without cleanin it until it effects the amount of smoke I can inhale...I hate packin a good ass bowl only to have no damn suction...have to unclog, and repack...that's that bullshit haha
  19. i like a kinda resiny pipe the colors of my bubbler and peice are sick
  20. I dont use pipes very often but i take a lotta bong hoots and i just clean my bowl once it gets clogged, but i only clean the down stem once in a while, and il clean the actual bong all the time with a pressurized stream of water =P works good for the down stem sometimes

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