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Keef; How to use it.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KobeCloneKush, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I have a decent ammount of keef stored up in the bottom of my kannastor grinder
    [​IMG]and i need to use it. I normally sprinkle some on bowls or bong rips..but i wanna try cooking with it..stupid use or not? its about 3/4 full and full of the bestestttttt keef from sour d and kush. Ive had it for a bout 4 months and use it multiple times a day to say the least haha.

  2. I persoanlly would SMOKE it. :D But if yer set on cookin it I am sure there is SOME way to do it. I am sure a expert will come along.
  3. nice grinder. if you want to cook with it, i'd do use some normal bud and add some kief like you would with a bowl. by itself it's really hard to dose i imagine. i like to smoke kief pure in my bong, it hits kinda harsh but it gives a really spacey high.
  4. i wouldnt risk cooking with keif. I would rather smoke it, and use buds to cook with. i say you make a huge keif ball or someshit and just get really high off it.
  5. kief is awesome for cooking if you have a lot, but i'd rather smoke it anyday
  6. yeah, i normally use it say nighy night haha. fuck a sleep aid...mary jane is the way to go. i wish the US would open up and legalizeeeee. hah, only in a perfect world..and were FAR from that. :(
  7. I just save the keif and smoke it when I've been having a bad day or something. I love all-keif highs, it's like I'm fucking flying.
  8. I have the same one, love it. I used to have a lot more stored because I started shaking the ground up weed with a nickel. I usually just use it to supercharge a bowl.
  9. Spice up a bowl! Do what we call a "lasagna"; weed/kief/weed/kief/weed/kief on top. Smoke the whole bowl.

    I already made kief butter which I spread on toasts with nutella. Cleanest high I ever got.

    Like the others, I'd recommend you smoke it, it's always nicer :D

  10. I would smoke it if I were you. Roll up a kief stick or just smoke whole bowls of kief. they are awesome
  11. If you smoke it, I wouldn't sprinkle it on top. Layer it inbetween the bud or else the intense heat will destroy a lot of the thc

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