Most of us know how karma works. If not, it is basically a concept that says, if you do good things or with good intentions, good things will come back in return. The same with bad things. My question is, how many of you let karma fall into play? Good or bad? *Story - The other day, I had finished packing my last night bowl for my bong. After I took my first hit, I sat to bask in the smoke for a moment, and when I proceeded to try to put my bowl back into the slider, I fumbled it, and lost the entire bowl. The good part was, I didn't drop the bowl when I was sure it would shatter on the concrete beneath me. I ended up being happy that it didn't break (good karma), and realizing that obviously my weed fell and got lost for a reason (bad karma.) I must've done something to deserve it, but it happened no biggie dl;tr What do you think of karma? Good/Bad? *Story - I almost broke my bowl to my bong, the weed fell out, but the piece didn't break. Shit was ok in my book. Send me a quarter via pigeon
i believe in karma, i try to do good things and think positive and treat everyone equally, i feel bad for people with bad karma (people who steal, cheat, kill, etc) sooner or later they will get bittin in the ass when they least expect it.
im really into Buddhism, and strong believer of Karma. Theres hundreds of types of Karma, do you reckon you will accumulate enough good karma to get somewhere in your next life rebirth personally, i think we do, i wont get into nirvana, weed is a drug, but its trippy shit hahaha. i love your thread! peace out x