Kanye West hospitalized after dissing Jay-Z and Beyonce.

Discussion in 'General' started by WubbaLubbaDubDub, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. HAHA.....I DO hate that that can happen to someone but I LOVE that IF IT DOES have to happen it happened to an ego maniacal PRICK like him
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  2. LMAO....just listened to 1:27 of your song NoMidZone....and it says it all!!!!
  3. It's a catchy song, although I'm not really into that genre. Don't act like you didn't listen to the entire song.
  4. DAMNIT!!!!!!!! I didnt think you high mofos would call me out on it....figured Id slip by.....LOL
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  5. It's likely a business move. Probably checked in for "health reasons" for insurance purposes to cover cancelling his tour. All those promoters, venues etc have losses to claim against him. Fans will get their money back but everyone else would be able to sue him.
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  6. Isnt it always about money..........
  7. Yep. I just hope they hold him in there until his final show date.
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  8. OH ME TOO....and then STILL tell him he is an ego-tistical maniac that STILL needs help....and then hold him until he can't "kanye" himself anymore....AKA "fuk himeself" anymore

    cuz I PERSONALLY WOULD LOOOOOVE NOT to hear his "music" ever again...as IT WAS.....AND IS HORRILBLE.........IMO
  9. I mean, i know Kanye is kinda nuts but this is a bit concerning...
    How much longer until the government decides to "hospitalize" more people who speak out like this?
    Someone yells "rape" = Career ended even if innocent, bad publicity, ruined reputation
    Someone yells "Crazy" = Locked up until deemed "sane"
    Both are a guilty until innocent... Sometimes i really feel like the Salem witch trials are around the corner again...
  10. If it's true hopefully they lock him in a padded room. Hate that clown. lol
  11. He was cool at first but when he dropped his first two albums. The song he get money he go full retard I guess that's the life of a Gemini.

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  12. I used to love Kanye.
    The old Kanye
    New Kanye wrote a rap about the old Kanye
    Making fun of people like me missing the old Kanye
    Now what Kanye?
    No support Kanye?
    You didn't see it coming from the beggining Kanye?

    In all seriousness thewhitelighters explanation makes the most sense. It's probably for insurance and publicity. If he needs help I hope he finds it and eventually finds peace for himself.

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  13. He didn't ask for it. Apparently he is top
    O "woke", sleep deprivation, like me, but I am asking for the help!
  14. We are regular people. We can only help ourselves (as in go get it ourselves) but probably couldn't afford the kind of "help" he would get anyways.
  15. I'm so glad he went with Trump.

    Now I'm in 2020 like a Noble Steed into the courtyard.:coolalt:
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  16. I Love Kanye was the most like old Kanye I've heard him sound in a while.

    I don't think he recovered when his mom died. Just kind of fell off the deep end.
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  17. He's in for "re-education" after saying he would have voted for trump and openly talking about Pizzagate/Twittergate. Can't have celebs going against the narrative.
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