Kannabia - African Queen

Discussion in 'Bud Shots' started by Greenrocket, May 22, 2010.

  1. When I had a spend up buying seeds I bought a 5 pack of Kannabia - African Queen.
    If your a Beginner like me and want to grow a unique strain that is good on odor - smells sweet - Stretches but not to much - and has a nice smoke then give it a go. Ill put up a pick from the last of the African I had growing. Pulled 1 hour ago.

    Attached Files:

  2. thats pretty... i just recently picked up 6 new strains, cant wait to see them finish.
    happy harvest
  3. really low leave to calyx ratio... love it. keep us posted on the wieght
  4. #4 Greenrocket, May 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2010
    It weighs up good. Looks great when dry. When its dry ill give you the overall weight, the plant in the pic was originally in a big pot with another. When I grow it again ill veg for a few weeks and put them in big pots of canna coco.
  5. Anyone want to try and guess the dried weight?:cool:
  6. It looks like it would dry to around 4 oz.

  7. Spot on !:hello:
  8. what kind of lighting and medium did u use ?? that main cola is AWESOME

  9. my 3 outdoor queens are about 2 1/2 mos now and they just started showing their lady parts about a week ago. what was your overall impression of this strain? nute preferences? smell? high? i can't really find much info on this strain and i've never grown an african so i'm not quite sure what to expect.

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