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Kaderade's Intensely Dank Thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Kaderade, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone! So I've jumped on the bandwagon and made a pick-up/dank thread. Instead of posting a hella' lot of topics, I'm going to put all of my dank pick-ups in this thread. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the pictures.

    Happy toking. :smoke:

    California Mist:

    Gold Skunk:

    Orange Krush:

    Stay posted, because there are plenty more to come. :wave:

    Thanks for checking this out!

  2. Mannnn!! That shit lookks yummmy! Covered in trichss! Great pictures man, looks like some daaank bud! Enjoyyyy! :)
  3. Thanks bro! I can't wait until I move to SoCal. Some buds there are on a totally different level.
  4. Damn looks excellent!! I think you mean Kali Mist, which is not named after California, but the Hindi goddess Kali.
  5. Smoked some Orange Krush before.
    Looked a lot like yours.
    Superdank nugs my friend.
  6. Thanks a lot guys!

    And I'm sorry if I made a mistake. I've always called the strain California Mist, and so has my dealer. Oh well, it's one of my favorite strains. :D
  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


    can i has some plz?
  8. That diesel looks incredibly frosty!!!!
  9. #10 Kaderade, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010

    I wish I could.

    I'd love to toke all this bud with you guys! :smoking:

  10. Dude that shit looks sugar coated!! Happy smoking man!!:smoking:
  11. give me some
  12. that DIESEL IS INSANE! so is that orange krush! ++rep
  13. No Name Dank:
  14. Damn that is a dense nugg,
  15. Yah. It weighed out at 7 grams even. :p

  16. :eek:

    Holy shit that is dense daym!

  17. Haha! It's one of the biggest nugs I've ever received.

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