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K9 pickle! Help!!!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Semperforce, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Okay I'm in a bit of a pickle. So I recently moved to the middle of this huge neighborhood with tons of families and kids and up-tight assholes. Also two of my neighbors (living one house down on each side) are cops. One of them has a canine unit. This might pose a problem for the average smoker but my parents have their medical marijuana cards and are legally allowed to posses and consume weed. This has been addressed to our pig neighbors. (so they know there is weed in my house). My parents are out of town this week. (not a big deal for me because they don't care if I smoke) Unfortunately the ever so friendly police officers next door know my parents are gone. If they smell me smoking weed they're going to know that it's me. I could just stash everything in my parents room but then I'd have to explain why it smells like some one has been smoking weed. (This is worst case scenario; cops coming over to ask questions, possibly having warrants etc.) I don't think this will happen but I'm a paranoid smoker so I need a little piece of mind and maybe some suggestions on how to eliminate the possibility of them smelling anything. Also I've been told k9 units can only smell dry weed (not burned, just the plant) Is this true? Are they not trained to smell marijuana smoke.

    Sorry for the in depth post but I need help. And please be realistic. No "FTP light it up!" nonsense. Please know what your talking about.

    Thank you,
  2. You'll be fine they wont smell weed if they live one house down
  3. Just hotbox your room, if your parents don't let you smoke inside do it in the bathroom... Not that they will be able to smell it by the time they get back anyways
  4. I'm pretty sure they have better things to do than spy on you on their time off. Just leave and smoke somewhere else if you're that paranoid about it.
  5. When they arn't home plant a couple of weed plants in their yards and call the cops.
  6. That's stupid man.

  7. You've got nothing to worry about. If the cops are at home then they're probably just relaxing with their families just like everyone else. I'm sure they have better things to do then worry about what the stoner kid down the street is doing. They may be cops, but they're just normal people too when they're off duty. Just don't go walkin down the street with a hoodie on and some skittles in your pocket and you should be fine.
  8. Cops are just normal people man, they don't give enough of a fuck to come give you shit for smoking a little weed, especially when they know your parents do too!

    Just smoke inside if you're gonna be so damn paranoid!
  9. Just do it in a place they wont smell it. It's really not that sketchy, theyre already a house down so i doubt theyd be able to smell it anyways, but just smoke in the bathroom and turn on the fan, burn incense while you smoke, etc, if youre really that paranoid
  10. I feel like you went over board with this thread haha you'll be fine! no judge will give them a warrant to raid a house over marijuana!!

    so....fuck the police....Smoke up! :)
  11. Yeah bro I think your just paranoid. I don't think they will bothering you unless they don't have anything else better to do.

    but seriously, you've got nothing to worry about. The dogs aren't going to be like, "the parents are gone but their child is smoking pot! Go get him, owners!!!". Also, busting someone for simple pot possession is probably the last thing they want to do on their night off.

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