
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by GanjaPower, Jan 11, 2012.

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  1. #1 GanjaPower, Jan 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2012
    So if you know of K2, synthetic marijuana, or spice... Don't fuck with it. Last night i hit a Gatorade water geeb full of k2. I started freaking the fuck out. I felt like an orange alien, then i felt like i was drifting with the wind, then the scary shit came in... I started questioning my existence. I was wondering if i was real, or if everyone who lived was me, and i was the only real one, but still fake. I hit another reality where i had about 10 things i could do. These were walk right left forward backwards move arms legs etc. Simple things. Then i was texting my girlfriend before, and i texted her saying i was freaking the fuck out and i needed help. I was scared, I couldn't escape my alternate reality. Then i asked myself the final mind blowing question... "Who Am I?" All my realities crumbled, i wondered if i was dead now, but awake in my mind going mad. I saw all my views of this "new" life disappear. I went into the bathroom to check if I was who i thought, and started trying to tell myself basic things such as who i am, where i was born. It turned out to be a 40% success, i knew half of my life. I saw a plunger and the second i saw it i thought ending my life was the only remaining way to conquer the game i was stuck in, and win. I'm not sure how i planned on killing myself with it, but it was my goal for about 7 seconds. Then I looked in the mirror, and couldn't take it It calmed down as i ran up the stairs. After laying down and breathing for a little while. Thank God my girl called me, and said she called 911 not knowing what to do. She comforted me, and showed up along with them after about 5 minutes. They were really nice, and when they got me on the stretcher and wheeled me into the ambulance i remember having a talk with everyone, it went:
    Me: Hey guys
    Lady: Whatsup?
    Me: This here... is why you should only smoke the herb!
    Lady: Haha don't disagree with you there :) (And yes, she smiley faced me)
    Me: Illegalize spice, legalize bud!

    Then after laying in the hospital for a while they discharged me, and along with that i got my report thing, and of-fucking-course! I explained over and over and over, it was K2, NOT marijuana. My two written reasons for being there were as follows:
    1:Substance Abuse (Correct)
    2:Marijuana Abuse (Oh FUCK YOU)

    Tried to tell em mayne, guess they just don't wanna listen.
  2. Rules is rules, hoss.:cool:
  3. That just made me want to try it more not less...
  4. Discussion of other drugs doesn't fly here.
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