K-Train Nutrient Disorder/Overfert or pH?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bonghitz420, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Hello all.I seem to be having a problem with this K-Train first time I've dealt with this particular strain.The last time I fed her was on Sept 14th because after I fed her it had the absolute slightest signs of burn.So I knew I needed to cut back so over the next 2-3 weeks I just watered with 2 gallons plain water @ 6.5 pH because I also thought it could be a be a pH problem and also wanted to rid the soil of excess salts as well but the problem hasn't really cleared up.Growth is slightly slower then normal as well.I grow in 5 gallon bags under 1 1000 and use Ocean Forest as a medium.Use Advanced Nurtients Sensi A and B as my base and supplement with Big Bud or Kushie Kush and Bud Candy.So Since Sept 14th and last night being Oct. 8 I didn't feed just water.Night of Oct 8 night I fed 5ml of A and B 8ml of Kushie and 8ml Bud candy in one gallon.I also wet the medium first as to not add nutes to dry soil with abt a liter of plain water.I should mention feeding this time didn't hurt the plant or didn't worsen the symptoms it already has.Here's some pics if you'd like to give ur advice.If I've fucked up my type somewhere I'm half asleep...sorry.Thanks for your input in advance.

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