Juuuust sharing.

Discussion in 'General' started by JuicyGoose, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. I finally got a job.


    It's at a craft store, which is perfect for a master craftswoman like myself. :p

    Anyone else newly employed?
  2. I just found out I got a job yesterday :D

    I'm gonna be a janitor at a gym. I'm making 8.73 an hour. Start tomorrow.
  3. Congratulations! :hello:

    I'd get myself into trouble if I worked at a craft store :hide: I'd probably spend my paycheck there and then some :eek: :p

    Thanks for sharing the exciting news! :D
  4. Congrats on the job!! :smoke: I love craft stores dude. Makes me feel like a little kid in a candy shop!
  5. Congratulations!

    Does the store sell candle making supplies? I've always wondered if thats where one would buy candle making supplies...
  6. Grats on getting the job OP! Craft store job would be great to get baked before work.

    Im actually going to be looking for a job soon. Im moving back to SoCal from NYC. Anyone know any companies hiring? Something in Orange County preferrably.
  7. bro grats. lol its like im jealous now, because i dont have an income to supply my habbit, but you do...
  8. Congrats!
  9. I am going to have weed all the time. :)

    That and all the beads i could ever want.

    Thanks guys.
  10. haha good find. Im still applying everywhere and calling like an annoying motherfucker. Really gets to me how even simple ass jobs require some past experience.

    I mean shit.. dishwasher position? i need fuckin experience for that gimme a break holmes
  11. congrats :)
  12. when are you makin me my bracelet and deliverin it to me
  13. grats, it's always cool to have a job ya enjoy:D
  14. Me too lol, I'll give you rep :laughing:

  15. this.
  16. Be like, "I was my own fucking dishes, don't i?"

    Whenever i get that address. ;) And you'd need to tell me what kind of colors we're talking here.
  17. Ooo Ooo
    I want one too!

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