Justin Beiber lookalike

Discussion in 'General' started by JerrySunfilled, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Rachel MAddow!


  2. Woah, two hot lesbians. Nice find
  3. who are these dykes?
  4. I was hungry, now I'm sick to my stomach, Beaver strikes again!
  5. i like rachel, but hot... that's a stretch
  6. they both look like they belong to the oppisite sex
  7. ok well the blonde one, shes hot you gotta give her that
  8. yeah it's called a bowl cut... every child before 1960 looked like justin beiber
  9. [​IMG]
  10. If she didn't have the glasses they would look nothing alike..
  11. My old co-worker looks more like him:

  12. Why you have that picture of your cowoker i do not know..
  13. Add Ellen Degeneres and you have a not-so-hot threesome
  14. Lol just yanked it off Facebook. I'm creepy but not in that way. :p
  15. I was honestly more expecting to see this picture-

  16. Looks like a huge douche bag (iPhone mirror picture, super gelled out hair, random bead necklace).

    But not like Justin Beiber at all.

  17. I lol'ed

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