Just wondering

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by iTrance420, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. LOL does anyone else reading anything on this site, always wanna go load a bowl, n toke? Or is it just me?!

  2. EVERYTIME dude, every single time lol

  3. *rotflmfao* good!! I'm glad I'm not the only one!! So do u go with your instincts and go do so? Or try n ignore em?
  4. its me too...

    but i only have a little nug..
  5. hmm.. could be the fact that everyone on here is talking about weed or smoking or something to do with the two?

  6. if I have green on me then yes i will toke and read more hahaha
  7. If I don't have a bowl to smoke while I go on the city, I simply don't go on
    Being on this site without weed is pure torture.
  8. LoL!! That's awesome everyone! I get so baked I cant focus on all the topics at once hahaha. Can someone tell me the polite way to take someone's pic for a signature?? LMAO or is there one?
  9. nah, you don't do that xD

    find somebodies ridiculous quote
  10. I wish I could smoke while I was just chilling on grasscity, but I live with my parents sooo...
  11. Every second I'm on these forums..

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