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Just woke up from a lucid dream...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by misha_val, May 24, 2011.

  1. I just woke up from a lucid dream, a dream where you realize you're dreaming while it's occurring, and holy fuck..... soo intense and sketchy. If I remember correctly I could change the enviroment arond me and I had to keep doing it to remind myself that I was actually dreaming. Everything else is pretty blurry but it's not the kind of thing I ever want to experience again.

    Has anyone else had this happen to them?
  2. Yes. I love it. It's such a fantastic thing to be able to do! If you get the hang of it and get good at it, you can do ANYTHING in your dreams. Some people like to believe that these lucid dreams are your unconscious being brought to the light. I've been working on honing my skills at lucid dreaming.

    It's a trip to say the least!
  3. Happens alot to me

    sometimes i can control what i do when i am aasleep like i can tell myself to wake up and like am aware of what ia m doing
  4. I wish i couuld dream like that. Is there some way to induce them?
  5. Yes!! I thought I was weird to someone told me what lucid dreaming was. I used to do it when I was little and sometimes it happens now. Sometimes I'll be scared and realize it's a nightmare and change where I am. Or I'll just think about something during a normal dream and change it. I've even had dreams, that I was sleeping and having a dream. So in my dream.. I was controlling two dreams . It tripped me out.
  6. A lot of practice.

    Keep a dream journal.

    When you wake up, don't move, open your eyes and recall your dream then write everything down, even the most trivial details.

    Be aware, be aware of your awareness throughout the day. Being aware of your consciousness while awake leads to your consciousness being aware while you dream.
    -To do this, turn on and off a light switch, if you're awake it will function properly, if you're dreaming it will start to be on when it should be off and vice versa.
    -Look in the mirror and close your eyes and open them, after a few times you should look a lot different, sometimes even something you may not want to see, if you're dreaming.

  7. here's some info:
    Lucid Dreaming Frequently Asked Questions Answered by The Lucidity Institute

    I'm not too sure how I induced mine but I think it had to do with being over tired (slept only 4 hours in the entire weekend), the time of day I drempt (afternoon), and taking an oil hit right before passing out.
  8. my boyfriend has dreams like this. from what he tells me they are a bit scary. he'll find himself trying to wake up and not being able to and at that point his breathing gets really weird and i have to wake him up by shaking him and saying things to him.
  9. #9 SolarToker, May 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2011
    I love lucid dreams. I think I get them most of the time when I go to bed.

    Creepy lucid dreams are too real. They get disturbing.
  10. nice bro.

    i had a lucid dream last night also i noticed when i was getting paid for something and the guy handed me 2$ and i walked away like it was supposed to happen.

    but i used to have them 4/7 days a week lol

  11. That's crazy! I wonder if someone could become addicted to lucid dreaming and just live to dream....
  12. Has anyone else has what I did . Like a dream within a dream? Literally I had one dream I was asleep and dreaming. Which I knew was a dream. And in the dream I was dreaming and in that dream I also knew I was dreaming. So I was having like a lucid dream inside a lucid dream.. It was really creepy. I told my friend about it she was like " oooo like inception!!!" (which at the time I hadn't seen.) and so then she explained lucid dreaming to me. But I've been controlling my dreams since I was little because I used to have really bad nightmares
  13. I love having dreams like those, where you realize you're dreaming so you do whatever you want! Sorry to hear you didn't like it. Nightmares are never any fun.

    Well, I usually always have those dreams when I'm on a t-break. I don't know about others but for myself when I stop smoking the next few nights I actually sleep fine and have pretty crazy dreams. Then when I toke up again I get really high! biwinning! :smoke:

  14. fasting, waking up stay up for about 45 mins and then go back to sleep. if been eating 1 - 1.5 meals a day and my # of dreams have increased.

    make sure you get your veggies and fruits or take vitamins
  15. #15 treelover, May 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I like it when I can change my nightmares.. It freaked me out because I was controlling two dreams simultaneously. I was asleep in my dream and controlling the dream within my dream. It seemed endless. I was in three places at once it was kind of freaky because I was aware I was asleep and controlling two dreams at once
  16. I just woke up from a wet dream involving whinnie the poo and alice in chains
  17. If you are blessed with time to sleep you can dream alot more and experiment.

    But I'm not sure there's a sure fire way to induce lucid dreaming. Dreams have a way of fooling you to keep you from realizing you're dreaming.

    I remember back in the day having a few lucid dreams. I would realize I'm in a dream, just start hovering then I'd take off flying at supersonic speeds. I'd wake up soon after, because I think lucid dreams are too much for the brain to handle.
  18. omg yes I have......i remember it from when I was 12 and in my dream I climbed over my backyard fence to find Africa on the other side then a tiger leaped at me and I thought I was about to die the I woke up screaming in bed the the tiger was in my room then leaped at me again and I woke up screaming to see it was all a dream........i don't know how I still remember that
  19. bet anything half accounts of having lucid dreams in this thread are bull and people are just reciting regular dreams they remember
  20. #20 grandmastersmit, May 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2011
    I love lucid dreams, but theres a really big difference between being aware you're asleep and full on lucid dreams.

    First time in a full on lucid dream it reminded me of that mgmt song electric feel, I just had this awesome/crazy body high buzz that felt like I took about 20 xtc tabs lol. Like literal electricity was running through my body and I started floating and man.. it was awesome hahah too cool to put into words. Beats the hell out of an acid trip any day lol.

    I usually have them when say I woke up extra early compared to normal and I end up taking a nap later on during the day. Actually this is almost always when it happens, I get sleep paralysis alot going from my awake to dream state cause it happens so fast though :/ sucks bunghole

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