Just wanna say...

Discussion in 'General' started by Mrs Greenthumb, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. That I am addicted to grasscity! I was gonna say I love grasscity, which would mostly be true, but I thought hell, really I am addicted to it. Anyways, I love coming on and reading all the different stories and opinions and experiences of everyone on here, I have lurked at many, many websites, and this community is the only one that I have felt compelled to contribute to as much as I have here. Keep on keeping on. Lol
  2. i think we both have the same problem,we both are addicted to greasscity.
  3. It's like a worth while Facebook. People share worth while opinions and ideas and laughter and enjoyment of all things cannabis.
  4. I love GC.. but lately I've noticed just an overwhelming number of posts exhibiting the exact opposite of what you're saying...

  5. so??? my bait worked to get you hooked to the city,,,,

  6. It is easy to get frustrated. I see a bunch of good blades stooping to new lows just because they can't ignore some fool...

    I love GrassCity though!
    I love gettin ripped and joking around with everyone here.
    I have definitely met some really cool and interesting people.

  7. Same here. Lots of condescending, unhelpful replies and negative vibes going around recently.
  8. Grasscity is not physically addicting. You sir are simply mentally weak if you can't overcome your dependancy :rolleyes:
  9. Truth... despite the icky posts as of late, I won't let it get me down about GC.. I love GC... :D
  10. That post GGrass made sums up how I feel about GC.

    I love rep, I love when people like my posts, I love when I rep someone and then they say thank you. I like talking with everyone here even if it has nothing to do with the thread topic.

    What I hate tho is when someone thanks me for giving them rep, and I have no clue what I said in the rep, when I gave it to them, or what post/thread it was is. Damn memory.

    I fuckin love you guys. :love:

  11. Uh this is beyond creepy
  12. im one of them pyschotic pot smokers that chews thier finger-nails,,,


  13. Cool I missed that one lol. One thing that sucks about being a stoner is that I am not motivated to figure out shit like how to do multiple quotes within one reply but whatever.

    There is negativety also (as there is everywhere in life) but I find it pretty easy to ignore, which is actually pretty surprizing for me. I just really like the fact that there are so many like minded people here but also, many of the people who feel differently than myself very eloquently explain where they are coming from (for the most part lol) and it is good to be able to see other sides to things also. And grasscity is an awesome resource all around!!!!!!!!!
  14. Lol what? Hahaha lol
  15. Uh oh...
  16. See the button to the left of the quote button? Press it. For everyone you want to quote make sure it's a red negative sign.
  17. Love the city too.

    All the places I could hang out...

    And all those people I could hand out with...

    It's great.
  18. Omg you're brilliant lol. Thanks I'm set now lol.
  19. You're a fast learner.

    It took me a couple of years to figure that out...

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