Just vaped for the first time...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Vash92, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Wow... Just wow.

    Attention people that are smoking: You are WASTING your weed.
  2. Wrong section but I like your enthusiasm!

  3. I don't know about wasting though even when I use my vape I still pack bong rips in the same session, vaping isn't always as satisfying as a fat bong rip.

  4. Sorry.... Im new to GC, and im sooo far gone right now lol. Where should this have been posted for future reference.
  5. Apprentice or seasoned toker
  6. ^^^ It's cool! I think apprentice tokers seems right

    A mod will likely move this to there

  7. Yeah.... I feel amazing right now, just wanted to share my joy with the world lol.
  8. you use a bag vape or box vape
  9. I think that both ways, vaping and smoking, produce slightly different effects. A vape hit to me is not quite the same high as smoking. It's better in some ways but lacking some nuances of smoking

    Some people won't vape because the high is a bit different
    Some people never go back to smoking and just vape

    My preference these days would be to vape and then top the session off by smoking a bowl
    I don't have a vape right now, though.....I had one but gave it to my dealer when I went on a t-break a while back....btw the break is over

  10. Ill never smoke again..... My MFLB is awesome.
  11. ^how much did you pay for it?
  12. Try a DBV! Or any tabletop vape.. the MFLB is just the tip of the iceberg! I like mine for concerts/festivals though. But nothing beats a DBV/SSV through a bong! Three rips=KO. :)

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