Just tried vaping for the first time

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by SirAsscheeks, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. I am in love. Never smoking again
  2. You've been vaping all along, you just never knew it.( applies to all smokers)
    Using a vape definitely changes the game.
  3. I am proud :smoking:
  4. Most times I vape but I still like a pipe when I don't have 20-30 minutes for vaping.

  5. Rofl, maybe if you had a half decent vape you wouldn't need 20-30 minutes.
    I can get baked in 1 hit.
    and retarded in 5

  6. I find the log vapes are way too ridiculous in heat up time, I can get high in 10 minutes with my DBV :confused_2:
  7. I don't unplug mine so I have no heat up time.
  8. I remember the first time I vaped. It's a totally new experience.

  9. I'm a college student, my vape needs to heat up in 2 minutes :p
  10. I'm using a Vaporgenie pipe. This thing is so easy to use and I love it haha

  11. Very simple, but goes through a SHIT ton of lighters :p
  12. Agree, loved it my first time, and still loving my vape. However, bong hits really are a different great experience.

  13. They are. Have you tried vapor bonging? :hello:
  14. I just got a mflb and is awesome! I can vape anytime within 5 seconds

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