Just took some Benadryl

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by freename22, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. Not sure if I spelled it right. Anyway, I just took 200mg of whatever drug's in it (I don't have the bottle with me at this second). This is the only drug that I haven't researched before I tried it. I looked online for doses and that was about it. So could you guys tell me what to expect with this dose thanks.
  2. well i usually take 100mg to pass out after taking adderall to study
    and the main/best part is your whole body gets heavy and you just feel completely comfortable laying how you are.
    i also get weird light spots in my vision and flashes so with double what i usually take youll probably get some more intense visualization/halucinizations.
    your hearing might be affected too, on 100 I can just sit and listen to music and its very enjoyable

    i recommend just laying down and watching a movie until you fall asleep but try and fight sleep for a while
  3. I see sleep in your future.:smoking:
  4. haha I couldn't agree more.
  5. Yeah, it was a weird experience. I mainly felt sleepy and comfortable, but no real big hallucinations until I was going to bed. About 5 minutes after I laid down I was at school talking to one of my friends. This continued for about 30 seconds before I realized I was in my bed. I kept forgetting where I was too. IDK, the sticky icky is enough for me :smoking:
  6. Dude you will be strangely sleepy...pop about twice that and then you will be tripping though. I was hanging out with my friends once in the middle of the night in my room and didn't realize I was completely hallucinating my friends being there until they strangely disappeared. You can become very delirious.
  7. 200mg dph is not much
  8. You were just dreaming, doses like that give me extremely realistic dreams.

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