Just took an online anti-weed class

Discussion in 'General' started by Sublemon, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 Sublemon, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    Just like the title says I just took an online anti weed class becasue the po came to my dorm room and confiscated 1.8 grams. Well anyway, I learned my lesson from getting caught and being at school that ill only smoke if I got shit done but this class I had to take just straight pisses me off.

    Once again, like all propoganda makes weed look terrible by comparing it to alcohol,and in the pictures on the side, they showed accidents that were obviousley horrific but in no way related to weed. FUCK PROPOGANDA

    Up to 11% of fatal traffic accident victims test positive for THC. What other drug is usually found in these people?
    b) ecstasy
    d) other drug...

    What activities are easy to do while under the influence of marijuana?
    a) Practicing or playing a sport \t\t\t \t\t\t\t
    b) Studying for a math or science exam \t\t\t \t\t\t\t
    c) Driving an automobile
    d) Eating, sleeping, and watching TV

    all i can say is that im smoking a fatty bowl tonight!
  2. #2 infiniteuse, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    I agree and understand with much of what you are saying and hate the propaganda stuff just as much as you, but I have to disagree with you when you say driving an automobile is easier when you are high.

    While definitely not as dangerous as alcohol, it is still a stupid decision. Your body is more adjusted to you being sober, (hopefully) so your reaction times, decision making, and situational awareness is not on the same level as when you are not high. These are key elements to driving safely. However, I do think most people drive "slower" when high because you are not in that "rush, rush, rush" mentality that most people are in when they are in a "normal" state.
  3. can you pick more than one answer? haha
  4. Eating, sleeping and watching TV are easier to do when you're NOT high too! Remove marijuana from that statement and it's exactly the same!
  5. I would have to ask, what percentage of people smoke pot? I would guess maybe 30-50% in my area.

    How many drive while high?Maybe 50% if not higher,some bike or walk...smarter.

    Marijuana does stay in your system for a while, so would they say that someone who smoked 5 days before tested positive for THC? Probably.

    Odds are they would probably test positive for being distracted by a Cell Phone, Radio, Another person in the car, or just not paying attention, if such a test existed.

    I personally love being high and on the go.Rock up to the hills on my moto and blaze a blunt solo(or w/ a fox)As a motorcyclist I am self taught to pay attention to what I am doing and especially what others are doing.Pay attention!How can you crash on a straight road?lol.

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