So, I am 17 (18 soon), and I just told my parents that I smoke weed. Of course they were not okay with it. My dad also confessed that when he was young he also used to smoke a bit. I wouldn't mind telling my dad, but my mom was going crazy. When my mom heard, she started to cry and couldn't believe that I do it. I don't know what to do, my life all of a sudden feels so weird because of how i told them i smoke and all of my friends and the whole school does too. PLEASE HELP ME!! also i dont know why i did this, it was quite honestly pretty fun to try to be discrete about
[quote name="greenleaf22" post="19394440" timestamp="1390522577"]So, I am 17 (18 soon), and I just told my parents that I smoke weed. Of course they were not okay with it. My dad also confessed that when he was young he also used to smoke a bit. I wouldn't mind telling my dad, but my mom was going crazy. When my mom heard, she started to cry and couldn't believe that I do it. I don't know what to do, my life all of a sudden feels so weird because of how i told them i smoke and all of my friends and the whole school does too. PLEASE HELP ME!!also i dont know why i did this, it was quite honestly pretty fun to try to be discrete about [/quote]I remember when I was 17.It sucks now, but give it time. Your mom will eventually turn normal. So will life.Good luck, maybe see you next year.
Oh man, I've been there. My mum and dad had no clue what it even was until I told them I'd been toking for the past 12 months.Mum went cray.. Not only from being 'disappointed' but also because as I said - she had no clue what it was. She assumed I was a crackhead because all drugs are the same to her hahahaBut back to your story, that's a tough one.. I agree, It's weird how fun it was hiding it from them hahaJust let it settle for a couple of days. Sounds like your dad should be able to calm her abit since he admitted to doing it, until then id stay out of her way.. Unless she comes to you, in that case - use your best judgement when answering q's.. You'll be fine GOOD LUCK!Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Fuck it! You came clean, the old man came clean, let him handle mom. In a few days give him an 1/8 and tell him that's all you have....maybe he'll expand moms mind...
My parents both freaked the fuck out. My mom thought marijuana was super addictive and that I'd start doing coke and meth (BS gateway theory) and my dad didn't even know what part of the plant you smoked, he thought it was leaves and stems. Now, they just pretend like they don't know about it. Its weird, going from them freaking out to turning their heads. Sent from my P9070 using Tapatalk
reeks of intentional content to give pot a bad rep, "mommy and the school will cry.".old propaganda story used... op was just a fanatical anti pot troll
They'll get over it. I was grounded for weeks but they finally gave in when I begged to go to a Jefferson Airplane Concert in Philadelphia after getting the cops!! They had no idea I smoked weed. Talk about freaking out!!! I promised not to smoke at the Concert. They didn't even bother to stay up waiting for me when I got home. Your dad will understand. Mom's always love their sons, she'll get over it.
Just give it time and they will eventually get over it and accept that their son smokes weed. You're mom was probably just shocked. You could tell her that at least you did the responsible thing and told them about it even though she doesn't approve. Good luck op.
you have to look at it from your parents point of view. Their child is getting high on a mind altering substance, I know I'd be concerned about my kids wellbeing/future too.
honestly don't worry bout it. time will heal over something so trivial. your mom also sounds very very very misinformed / brain washed .