I'm eating a bag of skittles. I hate the purple ones. My favorites are the greens. Which are your favorites and which are your not so favorites? And now my dumbass has made it a poll
I despise artificial grape. I think it had something to do with the whole thing of my parents shoving grape childrens tylenol down my throat when i was little. Blech.
Hey I hate artificial grape too, hahaa. But man I haven't had skittles in five years, whoa. Because they're made of gellatin.
Dude, everything but the orange. Red is by far the best though, I'd say. I used to save all the reds for last when I was little.
Please don't tell me why you won't eat gellatin and ruin skittle for me... and jell-o. I love so many foods that i shouldn't....
Haha, of course. Yeah it just contains an animal product. Vegetarian 5 years, pescatarian for the past... 6 months?
i love them all! maybe not equally (grape being at the bottom, and green at the top?) haha you should have done a poll!
It sucks that if this question was about eating pussy it would've had like thousands of hits by now! Who doesn't love skittles! COME ON! They are a tasty delightful fucking treat.
before i scrolled down to read the first post, i totally thought we were voting on blunt varieties....
Man i just shove 4 or 5 in my mouth at one time, had no idea they had different flavours! Shittt you learn something new every dya