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Just thought I'd ask....

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by NuBBiN, Jul 21, 2002.

  1. Hey...Im bored....and thinking about stuff....I was just wondering what everybody has done to contribute to the "fight" for legalization...

    I myself Have bumper stickers, Ive handed out pamphlets before, I've volunteered for my local branch of NORML, Ive sent letters to congress and my senators, and on top of that I've really tried to keep an eye out for any products/brands made with hemp, or that donate portions of proceeds to "the cause"....

    Illegaly, I grow...I does everyone else....blippity blah blah
  2. When I was really stoned once I got busted for smokin a blunt right outside of McDonalds. The cops stopped the car and turned the siren on while I was still puffing. I looked at them, gave them tha finger, and kept blazing. They grabbed me and took me in where I got a $55 fine and a warning. So you see, I stood up to an authority figure while smoking herb. I guess that kind of counts. I got some bumper stickers, shirts, and posters all about cannabis so....

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