Just Stories

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by FlankingStoner, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Neutral stories about grass man. Ok, So i was with a couple of friends about a week ago. I was wearing my normal clothes, Red hoodie. flannel shirt. skating jeans and my boat shoes. all just chillin. I went to roll my third joint. and another friend, Well ex friend now walked up and started saying were wannabe gangsters because we smoke some 'erb to mellow us out. he was sayin we try to go hard and smoke to fit in and be ''cool'' which wasnt it at all:mad:. im a laid back. 5'6 surfer who gets along with everybody. My response? here it is. I was like. dude. really? We smoke grass not because we think it makes us cool. or because we wanna fit it and be all gangster lean, thug life, gangsta in the streets. we smoke to come to realization that the world is fucked up. we smoke to cope with that. we smoke to be at one with other people and to tolerate other peoples beliefs and religions and customs and traditions( is it me it did that rhyme? ) We smoke to be free man. In turn to him he just scowled and walked off. Be free my fellow tokers. Be free. :smoke:
  2. Right on man. Such a shame that pot has gone so mainstream that people think you do it just to be cool.
  3. I enjoyed that response. I know if I was asked that, (especially after 2 joints), It'd be a pretty dumb one haha :smoke:
  4. It is a shame Crad, it really is. Thats why i only smoke with my closest friends and no one else. well occasionally i do. good to meet new people:) and thank you Twig

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