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Just started ready to flip to 12/12

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Arteishacr, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. I need to know what should my temp be for flipping to 12/13. I am really struggling on being sade about this. Also I would love to know what my humidity should be. I have an ac for when it gets to hot my light will be in from 9pm to 9am because I believe the days will get hotter here in the northwest soon.

    Can I fit all these plants to flower under 1000w hps?

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  2. Hi Arteishacr, welcome to the City! I'm not able to answer your question about humidity, but those look like a lot of plants for one 1000w HPS. I usually only flowered 9-12 under my 1000w light. The intensity of the light decreases exponentially the further from the source it is. Light = bud so the more light the better. That being said, I have a friend who crowds 30 plants under three 600w hps lights and the top 20% of the plants get good buds but the rest are in the shadows and don't produce much. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
    P.S. Now would be a good time to give your plants some cal mag.
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  3. During flowering:
    Hume 35-50.
    Temp - lights on 70-80.
    Humidity can be a bit higher during transition but towards the end you really want it closer to 35-40.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  4. Thank you so much just testing things outs!!
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  5. Okay awesome so I have another 1000w light I would like to put up I was just checking to see if one would suffice I have been going bonkers readING and watching and trying to get a feel for everything
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  6. I have 2 1000w hps lights going and they look great I am having a problem with temperature being 86 degrees. But i can not plug a.c. because breaker will flip

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