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Just started flowering neighbors can smell it already?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by RonaldBilius, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. #1 RonaldBilius, Nov 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2014
    I have some cinex, 8 plants under 2 1000s and its getting stinky. I am only two weeks into flower and it already smells like a dispensary out across the street. My neighbor told me that he can smell it in his drive way but you can't really tell where the smell is coming from since it comes in wafts of dank.

    How smelly will this get? I have about 6-7 weeks to go. I haven't had it smell this bad but I have grown single plants that are hella stinky and can be smelled outside of the house but those are exceptions. Its like I have 8 of those now.
  2. I haven't had the chance to grow yet, but once I do I will be looking into Carbon Filters in order to cut the smell out, are you using any of those currently? If not I would figure out how to get your current setup to use some so it doesn't reek like dank outside your house.
  3. Carbon filters are where its at. Set up properly they will eliminate all odour. They'll get pretty "Smelly" during flower and will only get stronger. I'd suggest reacting to it sooner then later if you aren't legally growing. One of the easiest ways to get busted. 
  4. Im legally growing and the guys at the grow store said I could save money and not get the filters. They said smell shouldn't be an issue in my town especially if its legal.

    I did 2 grows no filter and they got HELLA stinky at the last 2 weeks. All of this is legal medicine.
  5. You still don't want to be alerting people to the fact you're growing. Attracts all kinds of negative attention, not just Mr po po.
  6. #6 RonaldBilius, Nov 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2014
    I have been growing for a year at my place. There were plants on my deck all summer long and this neighbor girl kept talking shit about how I wouldn't yield anything from them because they were on my deck and she could see them from my house. I got a pound and a half and the plants were hella visible and they turned out dank. I proved her wrong for sure. No one tried to steal from us. And it may be because there always is 5-6 people in the house since its huge.

    The landlord has seen them and he doesn't even do anything about it. He walks around them and acts like they are supposed to be there lol. Its interesting for sure. My landlord hooks it up.

    The town I live in is full of hippies and weed
  7. OK whatever dude. You're right you should just continue on and do fucking nothing because everyone is so cool where you live. Oh wait YOU asked for advice.....
  8. If you are legal then why would you care about the smell if it isn't bothering any of your neighbors?
  9. Agreed, did you post this here to ask any sort of question?
  10. yeah man it's legal theyll have to deal with gods smell
    .... so you do or don't care about people smelling your weed outside? the whole premise of your post is that your neighbor(s) can smell your weed and even remarked to you about it. your answer is a carbon filter, it's been said already here. get with it.
  12. #12 RonaldBilius, Nov 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2014
    I am with it brother, my house reeks right now because drunk mother fuckers knocked out my ducting and my room has locked the smell in and its so damn hot and humid. Good thing I caught it quick. The whole block is reeking right now. My house smells like a topical jungle full of weed there is steam coming out of my house right now lol

    lol there is hella steam coming from my house its going out onto the street, grow room got to 98 and 100% humidity.
  13. You sound like an idiot, especially when you say hella.

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  14. cool dude where is your bud at?
  15. You have got to be the dumbest grower I've come across. Why are you letting "drunk mother fuckers" anywhere near your grow room... Not to mention as it may be legal for you to grow, there are still a dozen and one ways you could get busted by the po po.. And your whole block smells of growing marijuana plants....? Not smart at all. You're gonna get robbed. Just cause you're legal doesn't mean you should be letting the whole neighborhood know your growing. You're an idiot
  16. ....time to exit this troll train....
  17. My bud? My bud is in my dresser, not outside for hoodlums to know which house to rob.

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  19. If you dont mind me askin, what state is this in?

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  20. Your way too paranoid about it, about 4 other neighbors of mine grow on my street and we slowly have gotten to know each other. No one is getting robbed. Hopefully no one does, if someone does than that sucks and the robber will probably be in the hospital/jail depending if my crazy roommate is home. Some one is always there at home.

    Life is too good to worry about the small stuff. I get robbed then good for the robbers they get to smoke my buds. Gotta take a hit once and a while or at least be prepared for it. I have no weapons in my home and I want to keep it that way. So far there have been zero issues with me.

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