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Just Some MiDS

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by imarolla187, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Sup Blades, I just got these mids to smoke on tonight...nothin special just thought I'd share with you guys...toke on

    Attached Files:

  2. pretty damn good for mids, how much you pay and get?
  3. I payed 20 dollars for 4 grams. My buddy hooked it up pretty fat because I gave him a ride home after work...but I had already smoked two blunts out of it by the time I took the pictures.
  4. Holy shit what a deal...
  5. not bad not a big fan of mids that looks like decent nug, but the high is so so i usually get stuff just like that 40 q , hows the high?
  6. appreciate it brotha..

    Yeah I feel you man its 45 a quarter for mids around here. The high is actually pretty nice. more of a body high an doesnt last as long as a high from some dank but its legit for the price...
  7. Thats some of the best mids ive ever seen.
  8. Thanks broseph:smoke:

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