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Just smoked with mom for the first time.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Ontspan, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. I've been waiting to ever since I got my piece, and very easily convinced her to. She's smoked some in her life but not a whole lot. It went like this.

    Me: I want you to smoke out of my pipe. You have to, at least once.
    Mom: I wish you didn't have a pipe to be smoked out of.
    Me: We should right now.
    Mom: Go get it.

    She claimed she was really high even though we only smoked half a bowl, but then again I don't remember what it's like to smoke less than 2 bowls and be actually high. But anyway, we smoked and talked about me and my life cause my mom likes to do that a lot, especially when she's drunk. But it was a good time, I'm definitely glad I finally did. Next is grandma!
  2. Thats awseome man! I remember when I first smoked with my mom. I was 18, and about to leave for college. She told me it was more of a bonding expireience than breast feeding me..which I hear is something every growing baby needs, for food and for bonding/trust issues.

    I got my mom really rediculously high, she was cracking up all night as we watched Televisionevangelists, just making fun of them. :smoke:

    Good times.
  3. hell yeah:smoke:
  4. ah, my ma's in recovery, she would never do that with me
  5. next is grandma? lmfao
  6. Hell yeah. She smoked for 40 years and quit about a year and a half ago.
  7. Sorry man but I think that's gross. Maybe it's just the family I grew up in.
  8. i wish i could smoke with my parents and bond and shit like that
    my dad used to but not anymore since he moved to the states
    he doesnt know i still smoke though
  9. I don't thik I could ever do that ;_;

  10. Yea her tolerance will be really low if it has been a while since she's smoked. I get blazed from half a bowl if its at least decent stuff. And after I took a 1 month long tolerance break I was the highest in my life from a bong rip.

  11. 40 years? far out that has to be some sort of record!

    why did she quit?
  12. Haha. Sweet. I'll rep ya for blazing with the M.
  13. Dude, smoking with your mom is awesome! I smoked with my mom a couple of times and the funny thing is, we had to hide it from my sister! LOL.. now smoking with my dad would be a trip, but he is all assholey when it comes to pot. He wanted to bitch me out for smoking, but he use to be a stoner. Why doesn't he realize why I smoke???
  14. lol smokin with ur mmom is fun mine is hardcore anti drug but my dad still smokes i just dont know about smokin with him tho i thin itd be to akward for me lol
  15. thats chil haha, both my parents smoke so i am bound to get high with em since my sister has.
  16. Nice man, I remember smoking with my Mom for the first time. :smoke:
  17. My mom is my hookup :D
  18. Man, that's really cool that you got to smoke with your mom. I'd wanna smoke with my parents, though I think it would probably be pretty weird. I heard my mom used to smoke a lot, but I doubt that either of them would consider it now. They know I smoke, but they think it's only occasionally. :smoke:
  19. i would never smoke with my parents, maybe becuz i just dont like them, but it would be so fucking weird, i did smoke with my bro who i love and respect a lot, it was just so chill
  20. Let's see, I've smoked with my mom, my twin sister, my older sister and her girlfriend, and most of my cousins. Smoking with the family is the best. I love telling and hearing old family stories when I'm baked.

    My dad used to be a huge stoner. My mom and him grew their own shit in the attic when my sister and I were babies. I could NEVER smoke with him, nor could I ever tell him that I smoke.

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