This is the piece I use most often. 20" Tall Glass-on-glass Beaker shape for more water and stability Ice catcher at the base Diffuser downstem A/C also with diffuser downstem. My preferred setup: Hot water in A/C Crushed ice and water in base Ice cubes half way up the chamber
mm iw anna use hot water now lol but i dont have an ash catcher... cud i put hot water at the base and then like freezing cold water in the percs chamber area? i also have ice clamps too so add ice there too i added a picture so u no wat im talkin about =p im just askin cuz doesnt hot like make glass shrink alittle and cold make it biugger? im not tryin to break my 250 bong =[
If the glass is fairly thick you shouldn't have problems, though in all honesty, I don't think I'd do it with mine. You don't want too much temperature difference or as you said, the hotter glass will expand, and the cooler glass will contract. Glass has close to 0 tolerance for that. I figure with the A/C it's got that tube inbetween where the two different temps have a chance to equal. It doesn't have to be hot, warm water will also filter more than cold water. You could probably do luke warm water with cold water in the perc chamber with better results, and no compromise to your piece. That's a great bong by the way.
ah nice thanks man ya i tried this i had sum fairly hot water then like ice cold water in the percs and ice it hit sooo niceeeee but the hot and cold water equaled each other out to fsat so like after every two hits we had to re-do it.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention the fact it does kinda equal out soon, and I'm sure even quicker if it's an all in one setup. I've found if I soak the whole A/C in hot water a few minutes before filling it, it stays warm a lot longer, like 15-20 minutes as opposed to 5.