when i was 16 i could not roll it was just an issue and i was at my girlfriend house and she asked why i only smoke with a pipe / bong so im sitting there nervous and im like i prefer it so shes like wanna smoke a joint so instantly im like ight go roll one and sure so this is were im getting scared she goes how about you roll so im like nah i dont wanna so shes like why and im like just tired so thats when she goes can you even roll and im like yeah and shes like show me so i sit there for half an hour trying to roll and shes like jesus this is hard to watch now i have really shaky hands so my problem was keeping it steady so yeah
Solved I never could roll by hand worth a damn. Always used a roller. By hand I need a half pack of papers and a led zep #5 album cover to work on. BNW
Seriously; you're going to go through life saying "I can't roll a joint"? I fear that life is going to be tough for you. Try practicing. I'm old and shaky and, recently, had to re-learn how to roll a joint after forty years. It was embarrassing; I tore paper, I spewed pot, I made football-shaped joints... but in the end, I did this... just now. By the way; 'back in the day', our ladies rolled all the joints
I use a roller as well. I can roll blunts pretty damn well but horrible at joints. I prefer joints as well. A roller gets it to be exactly like a cigarette size and look.
“Just saying”. But it’s the joint that *I* made with MY disability. That’s an accomplishment for me. Do you feel real good having to use a machine to roll a joint? To each his own.
I roll some pretty joints, but always preferred for the girls to roll them. Hell, they always got to smoke for free if the did. It's a fair tradeoff. Ass, gas or grass. No body rides for free lol
I was always known as one of the best rollers in my group. I one unrolled a blunt while it was burning because it was too tight and then rerolled it. I was really high on an unmentionable at the time, I am not sure if I could do that again. It's simple, tuck and lick.
i'm in the process of teaching my only IRL friend how to roll joints. in an afternoon, using less than 7g of ground herb, she had gotten the hang of everything but the final "spin", of the unglued edge under the glued edge. from my own observations, most people use their fingertips too much and chase weed from the ends of the joint into the middle, and then the paper tears.
Geez I gotta hang out with you. He pissed me off and it wasn’t my joint. Intemperate, great word by the way
It did; well I managed a half of it and went back later for the rest with my hemostat. “Loved me two times”!