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Just scored some new stuff that ive never heard of

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by I Tend to Toke, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. its called The Devils weed... very VERY good, and if youve heard of it is it hybrid, sativa or indica i honestly couldnt tell when smoking it:smoke:
  2. i dont think thats pot...
  3. ive never heard of that strain haha, ive heard of a few diablo strains. Chances are the name isnt real here.... but who knows lol
  4. your possessed now
  5. Your smoking that Devils Lettuce!!
  6. Thanks, prick ;)
  7. What did it look like? I got some shit called "Red Devil Kush" and it was like some mids with red powder shit all over it. It reminded me of clay. Tbh, you probably got ripped off haha.
  8. Why do people make posts in this forum and not take pictures?
  9. Couldn't tell how you felt?

    Must of never even smoked "the devils weed "

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