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Just saying Hi

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mouser31, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. I didnt see an introduction thread, so since Im new here I figured the beginners spot would be a good place to introduce meself.

    Im looking forward to getting back into world of closet repurposing, My first grow was 20 years ago, reveging a bagseed phototron failure under HID lighting. Went all in, but ended up with somewhat less than stellar results. It got you high, but had zero bag appeal, flavor was harsh and green, and very crispy.

    Well, after 20 years of reading and drooling at yours and other's grow journals, Im ready to jump in again. I have NL beans on the way from AMS, and ganesh, rishi kush, and the current freebie on the way from Mandala. Looking forward to starting my on journal :)

  2. I guess my first question to the masses is: Does anyone have any current experiance with either provider? This is my frst time ordering seeds online and Im a bit nervous...on the other hand its hard not to go nuts buying every cool strain I see....I can see this becoming a problem :/


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