Just rolled a truck

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by d4rkw0lf2k7, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Hi

    Well as the title say I have just rolled a truck... well it was my boss's truck and he was in it with me as we were going to a job. Well what happened honestly isn't very explainable as we were on the highway and I was not distracted I must of been thinking about something or well anyway I did not notice I was over the line until the truck hit the gravel road... and when this happened obviously trying to pull the truck back on to the road while towing a trailer it went into the ditch, the trailer de hitched and the truck then rolled, stopping upright. The cab squished and the windshield ahead of us, along with most everything inside the cab, the doors were not operable. Asking eachother if we are okay then we got out of the truck, while witnesses called the ambulance.

    For reasons being I had a warrant for my arrest and that I have an ongoing insurance debt he said he was the driver to the police officer. As stupid and as lame as this sound I am sure many people here are going to laugh at me and think what the hell is wrong with me... Thinking how would this happen, it did. All it takes is a second to go over the line and reach the point of no return. Believe me, I feel quite stupid. I am not asking to hear it.

    Now we were going to do a job, and he was going to collect pay that day, owing me enough to cover my rent. Well, as this happened we could not make it that day. Luckily nothing on the trailer was damaged (what we were working with) and he had switched the insurance over to his other truck. The next day my brother went with him to finish the job and collect the pay.

    My brother came home, saying he wants me to go see him and talk to him. Being injured and not able to leave the couch for a couple days I had not gone to see him right away.

    I had explained what happened to my landlord, being quite understanding, but as thing go legally giving me an eviction notice warning "If rent is not paid within 4 days of this notice, you will be asked to leave."

    just so you know what we do is collect a deposit of half, build our product, deliver install and collect the rest for pay.

    Okay now going to see Boss today, upon arrive he says look my life is ruined, the business is ruined. I am out a truck and trailer, and to continue working would be quite hard as the cheque collected is not enough to cover the loss's... and I asked if he paid his rent and he said well not yet. I asked if I could get what he owes me to pay my rent, and he said look you totaled my truck, ruined my business, and I can not afford to pay you as I have to pay rent as well and try and take care of myself.

    Okay.... well obviously he was intending to pay rent anyway, and he has had to spend maybe an extra $500 on towing, new plates, extra gas, and etc right ....

    Okay he needs a new trailer (or to have fixed), we do have a truck that we can work with (though need to replace the work truck) .... so yes it is a set back....

    but with out me he doesn't have the help... and when I came over he said to me "well I m not going to send you home with out any cash, I know you need gas and to eat as well."

    So I was nice to him while I was there talking to him Today, honestly thinking on my way there I was going to be able to pay rent, but he said he doesn't care if I am evicted, but he said he wants me to help him get things going again. So expecting something like he said, being nice I said yes I will help and so on and said sorry and thank you.

    Bringing my girlfriend with me, she said okay we have to leave... and as we are leaving he gives me $35.

    What. thirty five dollars.....

    what am I supose to do with thirty five dollars... and I was nice to him too....

    when he said no I can't worry about your rent when I have to worry about everything else, I was about to get up and say "well you know what then I am not willing to help you out at all until you have squared up with me, yeah your trucks totaled, but I need the money for rent and food" but he said "i wont send you home wihout any cash" following...

    I can't believe this guy did not give me any money and expects me to help him out. He thinks I owe it to him or something? I should of have said that.... I was so nice to him too and just left without my rent $ I can't believe it....

    I don't know what I should do, if I should say look your expecting me to help you ... well you need to pay me first. I mean I should, but it might not make him pay me.

    But if I continue to work for him then I am just a chump and he will rip me off again.
  2. pics???
  3. holy shit man...

    I just rolled a joint? not quite as exciting.
  4. Wtf did I just read?
  5. your gonna get evicted no matter what. He saved your ass so you should help him.
  6. No pictures.... I lost my phone I didn't have much time to search before taken to the hospital, cops didn't find it, tried looking after...

    I don't know, I'm just looking for some advice or something or I don't know really....

    I mean I don't know why I was nice to the guy, well I totaled his truck and ruined his business / life and he said he'd give me some $ but then when it came to leaving he didn't give me anything and like I didn't do anything but say thanks?!
    wtf I going to phone back and be like okay seriously I need my $

    I mean.... you can't not pay a guy, especially the rent cheque.
  7. Well you did just ruin this guy's life man...At least he didn't kick the shit out of you.

    I mean are seriously expecting to be paid at this point?
  8. Sounds like he's in the same situation as you.
    How do you expect him to pay you when he can't even pay himself?
  9. sorry, he can he has enough for his rent, but only enough left over to pay me....
  10. when you get a chance read your lease. just my two cents but being asked to leave and legally evicted are two different things. best of luck man

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