Just realized something

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Hot Sauce, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. Whats up guys. Just smoked 2 bowls to the gord and i'm already baked out of my dome. I have scaled the summits of Ganja Mountain and soared over and out of the boundaries of highdom. I'm that high right now.

    Anyways, as I sit here and type this, I am smoking a Doral 100. Big ass cigarette. What I realized is this:

    It's like a cigarette cigar. It's fuckin' fat and long as hell. I don't usually smoke 100s, but damn, they burn like a cigar. It's crazy as hell dude. It's like double the risk of cancer in one cigarette.

    I'm about to go chill and listen to some music before I have to go to sleep. Work is a bitch.
  2. Lol word. If i was to smoke a cigg it would be the 100's.

    Cancer is bad though.
  3. Yeah, it's a shitty thing.

    I apologize for the meaningless rambling by the way. It just came to my head and I felt like typing it up.

    Haha, got some good shit.
  4. I don't get this thread. It should be moved to the chatterbox thread - a place for randomness
  5. The point of the thread is that he just realized something, 100's are like cigar cigarettes, and are like double the cancer risk.

    I enjoyed the beginning.

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