When people play with small children and small animals. I honestly want to kill when I see someone talking to/playing with a small animal or child. People just automatically go into retard mode and make stupid noises and make up stupid names. It's mind numbing how people just go retarded over small, cute things. Also, has anyone ever thought that maybe if we DIDN'T treat babies like they're small animals they would get smarter, faster? Like maybe if we spoke to them in a tone we use for people above the age of 3 they'd actually learn things even quicker making them super smart later on. Either way, I fucking hate when people play with small animals or children. It seriously blows my mind. And my mom does it all the time.
you can't really talk to a 1 year old in a normal tone hence it doesn't have a full vocabulary edit: what's so bad about small animals anyway? they're cute
i disagree.... i spoke to all my kids when they were little the same as i would anyone elts.... and they were all talking well by the time they were a yr old.... now i dont mean talking well like giving speeches...but small sentences understandable words i dont go for the goo goo gaga shit myself your kids learn everything at that age by watching and imitating you....
That's what I'm saying, like of course your not gunna read them Shakespeare or whatever, but just treat them like human beings. Instead of being like "Ohh who's my cute little dumpling cupcake muffin!?!" Just be like "Hey Tom, do you want to eat?" They're human beings not animals.
Haha Although my dad use to piss me off when he would noises and shit. But I have noticed that everyone is a little anoyying somtimes. Family is the worst tho
I always thought people made stupid noises cuz babies think that shit's funny... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNABGedFgzQ"]YouTube- baby laughing...funny noises[/ame]
Might be true... didn't think of it that way. Sometimes babies cry though when you make stupid noises at them. Hmmmm
Not really so angry as much as blown away. Like why do people do that? It does annoy the shit out of me, but I'm obviously not gunna bitch someone out for it.
well its called biology. We instinctively go into "retard mode" when around small children because it helps them develop language. And we do the same to small animals for the same reason. Humans treat small animals the same as human babies instinctively. went over it in psych
Try not to get annoyed by such insignificant things.. you'll be way more at peace! There are worse things in the world
Nah dude, I'm one of the most peaceful people you'll ever meet. This thought just occurred to me as I watched my mom play with my cat. Maybe I went about it the wrong way, I'm mostly just wondering "Why?" I'm kinda interested in what that guy learned in his psych class. If we automatically wanna teach our children language why do we do it in such a strange manner?
Correct you are, Clinty. My evolutionary psychology professor (one of the few who really stuck in my mind) really taught a great lecture on the subject. Spent the first 15 minutes of lecture talking to us like that. Hilarious and brilliant man. Thousands of hours in lecture halls and that's one of the few that is still fresh in my mind to this day. Anyways tomshark also had a good perspective. It might be mildly irritating, but to suggest that it illicit such strong emotions as "incredible hatred"... well.. you need to learn to temper your emotions a little better.
Never really understood this myself, whenever I hear it though it makes me cringe in the same way as when I hear really giddy girls talking in that really high-pitched, almost squeaky voice. Whenever I talk to babies or small animals I always use my normal speaking voice.
I think you should just relax.....you seem to be upset over the issue lol......and btw.....humans ARE animals.