I worked in a restaurant as a dishwasher. I couldn't take it anymore. It was the most disguesting place I've ever been in. When the dishwasher sprang a leak due to corrosive chemicals eating through the metal and my boss told me to plug the hole with my finger I said. "I consider myself an ethical person, but you can go fuck yourself". threw my apron on the ground and walked out into the eating area. Told all the customers the dishes they were eating off of were by NO means clean and that the dishwasher was leaking corrosive chemicals. Half of them followed me on my way out the front door. I plan on reporting them to the health department ASAP. Forgot to add. this JUST happend. I still have the addrenaline pumping.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp6olw9iaxE]YouTube - "You're cool"[/ame] 'You're cool,' Good one man, major props.
Well at least you have your grow on, LittleG! Fuck em and forgot em...you have little girls to manage and don't have time for managing dishes anyway.
Dude I worked at a *clean* restraint and quit that shit nearly as hard. I know exactly what you're talking about, hahahahaha.
thanks guys. i'm going to +rep everyone that i can right now. lol, sorry if you get missed. i'll try to get you tomorrow. I hated that place. SO much . anyone else have any funny quitting stories?
how much did you get an hour? thats probably what i would have done if i had a different job pending but if i didnt i would have took it as longs as i could until i found a diff job.
Hahaha, that's awesome dude. I dishwash too and i'm always thinking about funny ways to quit when i'm hating it. Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite you in the ass though!
+Repped not only because I've been a fucking dishwasher before, but because that is a story of epic proportions.
Report them to the health department. I hate dirty fucking restaurants. You have done your neighborhood a favor.
Thanks for all the support guys. I really don't feel as bad about quitting now that i've had some time to cool off. I'm really glad I quit too becuase there were 3 foot tall stacks of dishes that I left the manager to wash BY HAND. hahah suckaaa. If he wants to use the dishwasher now HE can clog the corrosive chemical hole with HIS finger. asshole.