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Just pulled over by cops!!!!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by mayo 111, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 mayo 111, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    so i just got pulled over by the cops. first time ever. it was for a fix it ticket, cuz my tail light plastic was busted.. just right before, me and some buddies had smoked a couple blunts, then on the way home kinda set off some fireworks... now i know this wasnt the smartest idea, but it was fun... so here i am pulled over for my tail light, with 3 drunk friends (but not me), weed, hash, my grinder with kief, a pipe, and fireworks... and the fireworks i had are illegal where i live.. so im a bit nervous. turns out it was a lady cop.. not only that a kinda hot one.. so she just says shes gonna give me a fixit ticket for my tail light.. asked for me and my friends lisences and went back to her car.. now i thought everything was gonna be fine. but while looking at my mirror, i saw another patrol car roll up.. now i thought FUCK!! ive got hella shit in my car.. im fucked.. lady cop comes to the passenger side and totally distracts us while this other cop some douche looking cop, asking what i was up to and where i was going.. he seemed kinda friendly like the lady cop but i was wrong.. all of the sudden he starts asking if ive had anything to drink.. and i deny it, then he asks me to do the follow his finger test.. and im pretty fucking sure i passed that shit with flying colors..he then asks if he could search the car. at this point i was sure i was going to get in trouble.. but since i frequent NORML quite a bit i was somewhat sure of my rights.. and just went with my gut and my mind and said no. at this point the cop starts asking if i have anything illegal in the car. and all i could think of was deny! deny! deny! then he asked if he could search the car.. here i started getting annoyed. i knew he had no reason.. there was no smell, no alcohol on my breath.. the only thing he had were my bloodshot eyes.. but hey itsfuckinglateman! anyways i asked him what his reason was for searching the car.. and this has always been my tactic with cops (although i rarely have problems with them).. ask questions!! at this point one of my drunk friends in the back leans forward to me to just say no! which i was already doing!! then the cop trying to finesse his way into my car, asked "so you dont mind if i search your car?" and i replied no. at this point the cop began to head towards the door handle and started to say "step out of the car" because he tried to trick me and when i said no he took it as "no i dont mind if you search my car"
    HERE was where my brain while very stoned, and very scared, functioned at lighting speeds to correct the mistake i had just made..
    right as the cop said "out" i managed to sternly yet unthreateningly say "no officer, i do not want you to search my car" douche cop then asks.. is there something illegal in the car?. and now i just had to keep up with it. and i told him that i had nothing illegal in my car and he had no reason to search my car, so i was not going to let him.. after that he backed away, and the lady cop gave us our IDs back and my friends then myself home... with all my weed, hash, and fireworks!! and no ticket for my tail light!!!

    SO FUCKING HOORAY FOR ME!!!:hello::hello:
    the lady cop was hot..
    the other cop was a douche..
    if you know the cops have no reason to search your car.. TELL THEM NO!! cuz they cant

    im so fuckinglucky
  2. Oh my god-just reading this made me nervous for you!! I never would have thought to tell a cop no but after reading this, if it ever happens to me, I will say it. Gawd, even fireworks. Lol. Grats on getting away!!!!!!!:hello:
  3. you the first person on here that was smart wen puled over good job man
  4. sounds like you knew what to say and didn't freeze up and let the cop know not to search your shit...good shit..but just a suggestion? just make sure all your lights (head,tail,back,brake, and license plate) are working properly and your tags up to date and your car is legit..then the cops wont be able to pull you over for those silly fixits..also have license and reg. real close and handy so you dont have to scatter around looking for it possibly revealing some contraband in front of thee officer..but either way when ridin dirty..just keep it cool:cool:
  5. Kudos to you man. That's what you get for knowing your rights.:rolleyes:
  6. Well done dude, congrats on staying cool under the pressure, and just a thought you may want to send that story to your local/school NORML chapter (if your in school) as I am sure they will appreciate the positive feedback.
  7. Good shit for knowing your rights. Fuckin pigs.

  8. ive been rollin around with my tail light busted since august.. this is the first time ive been pulled over, but shit yeah im fixin it no matter what now... also I DID freeze up, cuz i was nervous as shit.. i think thats what got the cops suspicious, but i stuck with it and im fucking lucky as hell!!
  9. fucking good job man, same shit happened to me just the other day. no drunk friends though, just me and my friend blown with some shit in the car. but its always good to know your rights, and pass on that information if you're riding with someone else so they dont fuck up and get both you guys busted. but yeah, often times cops will heckle you over and over again and try to trick you into illegal searches. gotta just keep saying no and good thinking asking questions. i always ask "am i free to go" if they keep asking to search and i say no. they did it to me once before the last time too when there was nothing in the car and i was on my way back from work. fucking pigs.
  10. nice work man...ive learned the same the hard way. LIE, DENY, LIE, DENY. Its the only way out. They will ask you the same question 5 times and 5 different ways, once you comply, your done. if you say you werent drinking, and they say, not even one beer? dont say, well yea i did have 1, keep dnying or u will be on the street doing FS tests..

    well played. cops are deceiving and always try to trick people. most people have no idea of their rights, cops dont either but they are grown up bullies so they just scare you into it.

    fukin govt. I just had to pay $189 today simply bc I got stopped and didnt have my new insurance card with me. even tho i go to court and show my insurance, i still have to pay $200. Wtf is this...ah
  11. if you got dro in your car never let them search it, ever. you did excatly what you what your supposed to. i hate hearing about friends getting pulled over then getting fucked when they agree to let the cop search their car. also, if the cop keeps asking to search your ride ask him if your being detained. he has to say no unless the pigs got something on you, which won't happen if you don't let him in your car. nothing pleases me more than being stoned as fuck and passing the breathalyzer when the cops knows your ripped. they get pissed and they know they can't do shit about it.
  12. + a motherfucking rep!

    I would +rep you 100x if I could!

    Pure awesomeness.

    Cool story bro - for real!
  13. HEY! good shit!
  14. oh that must have sucked. but yeah you def did the right thing
  15. Beside the wall of text, good for you man. Glad you know your rights, and really glad you got off squeaky clean!
    Just...keep your car in good shape and you wont have this problem lol.
    But for real kudos to you.
  16. Good job dude. Way to stand up for your rights as a citizen. Why can't everyone just "get it" like this?
  17. Shit dude that was fuckin close! My heart would have been crashing through my chest if that happened, but yes I would have done the same and said no they had no reason to search the car. Nice job!

  18. surious. although ive learned these things from stories like this on GC and constantly bein on the NORML website
  19. good job bud! *thumbs up*
  20. LOL! YOu should write a novel, this story was very suspenseful. +REP

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