Just Planted

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by PoThead2969, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. I just planted bout 15 mins ago, i dont no much about it, and i was wondering if u could give me some pointers on how to get it going, now how many seeds am i supposed to plant and how do i know what they are like male or female ect ect

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  2. this is on top of my cabinet so my p's wont find out, is this too much light?

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  3. this is the lighting i have beotch! lol 120 wattage up in this motha

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  4. are you sure this kind of light is adequate??
    im not sure youll be able to grow anything with it.
  5. make sure u have flourecents...... other home lights wont work..

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