Just planted some seeds

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by grassisgreener1, May 7, 2008.

  1. I found a nice patch of ground and planted about 8-10 bag seeds and then watered them with some purified tap water. My questions are, how many times a week should I water them? Should I fertilize them? And just any other advice in general would be greatly appreciated. This is my first ever grow so Im kind of excited. Im not looking for a big harvest, Id be happy if I just get a joint's worth of bud if anything. Just in it for the experience. :hello:
  2. mann thats awsome my first season growing was so cool . just water it when the soil has become dry. there has to be a dry period after a wet spell for te roots 2 get moar Oxegyn. make sure u gets lots of sunlight and that ur soil is good for growing
  3. Hey thanks for the advice. I just planted the seeds about 1/2 - 1 inch deep into the soil that was already there so no pre planning or anything, just au natural. Do you think this should work? I heard somewhere that the pointy end of the seed should be planted pointing up? I just dropped them in there and lightly packed the hole with some soil. Should it still be okay? And they are all about 1-2 feet apart from one another.

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