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just picked up a 50 sack

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Barack_OGanja, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Picked this up from my dealer about 10 Mins ago

    Attached Files:

  2. proud of you
  3. looks dank enjoy
  4. look dank mate
  5. have fun dont hurt yourself ;]
  6. Looks very good!
  7. the picture quality is excellent
  8. The nugs are dense as hell too
  9. that looks like a pretty hefty 50bag :p
  10. Better hug your dealer :p jkjk
  11. Not bad, do ppl on here usually get bad weed and are excited to see good stuff? LOL but yeah nice pickup
  12. Thanks man. I live in michigan btw
  13. My connect hooks me up pretty good :)
  14. Damn i wish i'd get that much for 50.
  15. Could've gotten more (but idk ur situation) good quality doe
  16. That actually looks pretty solid.
  17. yeah it does look good hmmm i grow it though sooooo my brother sells it

  18. Nah man but good weed is always sexy aha:wave:
  19. Lol wtf? Is it just me or is 50 sack really ambiguous as to the weight?
  20. Nice pick up man Michigan is always clutch for some fire bud. How does it taste?

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