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Just out of Job Corps. Advice?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by the_beast76, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I recently completed Job Corps and I got out and not last Friday but the one before that I smoked two grams of pretty dank stuff. Bought a gram of it yesterday and smoked it too. Today I found out I have the chance to get a great job starting off at $22 an hour in the next two weeks or so.

    I work out every week day and I consume more then a gallon of water each day. Do you think I'd be able to piss clean in two weeks possible more? I'm just clearing this up so I can set it up at a later date. I don't want to miss the chance at this kind of job.

    I would've stayed clean when I got outta Job Corps but I honestly didn't have a clue I'd be getting this kind of opportunity so quick.
  2. No opinions at least?
  3. You should be fine, continue drinking a gallon or more of water a day and you'll pass.
  4. You should be fine if youve only smoked twice in the last month. Just keep working out and drinking water. When I was younger my mom thought I was blazing so she drug tested me and I had blazed the night before but it was the only time I had blazed in like 3 months and I passed :D But I also drank lots of water so my sample was diluted. When my mom asked the doctor if I could have diluted my piss he said it would still test positive! haha dumb doctor:hello:
  5. Thanks for the reassurance guys

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