Just Need some help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Jakey Boy, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. I am a first time grower, I live with my parents i want to grow a very small amount but i dont know if they will catch on. I live upstairs and i have a small attic type space on both sides of my room where i plan to grow. But, i dont know if the electric bill will go up from the lighting and stuff and im also worried about the smell. How strong do your average plants (from bagseed) smell?
  2. broo put that shut in a closet. yeaaa obviously the bill is gonna go up but if u keep it in a closet it isnt gonna stink up the place.

  3. Jake,
    Do NOT go there, Boy. If your parents don't want it, don't do it in their home. That would be a totally irresponible action on your part. You could cause them to lose their house, and worse, their respect for you. It would certainly demonstrate you have no respect for them. If you can't wait until you have a place of your own, find a spot outdoors(not on their property!) to raise a couple of plants. If that isn't possible, then you are just SOL.
    Sorry, but that's the way thing are! Learn to live with it. For now be grateful you have room and board, and parents. Pot is nice, but not worth losing your family.
    earth girl
  4. Alright that's prolly a good idea I wasn't sure if i should grow in the house or what. Thanks.

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