Just moved to Western Pennsylvania

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by bored15370, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. It's been rough- just moved from Illinois to Western PA...a ten hour car trip to continue my education. I moved to a town south of pittsburgh and north of morgantown, Waynesburg (anyone heard of it?); if not the towns a lot like Pleasantville. I'm looking to meet some fellow tokers in the area, and by area I mean Pittsburgh..pm me or whatevers easiest
  2. Nice dude! Welcome to the 412! I go to school in Pittsburgh.
  3. Not saying your a cop, but brand new to the boards and wanting to meet up?


  4. haha yeah I can see where that would be sketchy. Believe me, nothing sounds lower than pursuing message boards to try and extort money out of regular citizens who happen to engage in an "illegal" habit..I'm not a cop, and I spent over 2,000 dollars to the justice department as my proof. Just not accustom to the ins and outs of the board, excuse my sketchiness.

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