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Just moved to Los Angeles, do I need a state ID for mmj?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Zilla!, Aug 3, 2012.

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  1. Hey guys, I just moved to Los Angeles on Wednesday, and so far i've found myself unable to get a good night's sleep without some buds. I came from NJ, where I would smoke Indicas daily in order to help me fall asleep.

    Instead of continuing to buy my marijuana illegally, I've decided to take advantage of Cali's mmj programs, in order to receive some indica to aid my insomnia. Now I have not yet obtained a california ID, such as a driver's license. However, I do have my NJ driver's license, and my one year lease that i just signed with new apartment. I was wondering, do I need a cali ID? Or would my nj license, and a copy of my lease suffice for obtaining a recommendation?

    Also, with this recommendation, is it valid for use at ANY collective/dispensary in cali? Or just selected few?

    Thanks blades, happy toking!:smoke:

    Also, notice that it's 4am, which is 7am in NJ, and I'm posting this from my bed, where im laying restlessly. Such an annoying feeling to not be able to sleep.
  2. U need a ca Id to get Into the coops as well not just to get your script. Are u going to go to a coop and show them your lease. I don't think so. U need a Id.
  3. [quote name='"sgtstadanko"']U need a ca Id to get Into the coops as well not just to get your script. Are u going to go to a coop and show them your lease. I don't think so. U need a Id.[/quote]

  4. OP you do realize the clubs in LA got banned right?

    Goes in affect september. Fuckin' city council.

  5. coop = co-op

    script = club card
  6. [quote name='"DJ ChRoNiC"']

    coop = co-op

    script = club card[/quote]

    ^^ this.
    And not all the coops are gone. There were over 500 now they will cut it back to only(lol) 180.
  7. Ohh okay I thought when they removed 700 or so, would be all.
  8. [quote name='"DJ ChRoNiC"']Ohh okay I thought when they removed 700 or so, would be all.[/quote]

    U would think closing 700 pot shops would be all of them right. Still around 180
  9. That's whats up man. Glad to hear.
  10. where I got my medical card , the receipt or copy whatever of the id from the dmv was good enough ... & theres always delivery services

  11. The receipt is the temp license. That's what I used too. You gotta go take the DMV test even if you have an out of state that's valid.
  12. okay. guess I'll have to go get my license ASAP. because now my sleeping schedule is just wayyyyy off.

    also, I live just outside of Santa Monica, couldn't I still go to get my buds there? despite the LA ban.
  13. Yeah Santa Monica's cool off the ban. You said you moved to LA so I thought you moved to LA.

    I guess LA still has some clubs left tho, hopefully its not too bad where there's going to be fatty lines at every single one :eek:
  14. Thanks for all your help guys! Going to head over to the DMV as soon as I get completely settled in my apartment. Until then, looks like I might have to hit up Venice=P
  15. Yes you need a state ID.
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