Just moved, cant find dealers

Discussion in 'General' started by ZigZiggy, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. :cool:I just moved to Fort Mitchell and don't know any dealers, or even how to look for them...:confused_2:

    any1 got any tips of how to find some?:smoke:

    or even better...
    ...any1 know the area and know where i should go? :p

    I wanna celebrate the start of my new marriage new IT career this weekend so im plannin on buyin some of that famous Alabama Kush...if i can find some1 who sells...

    :yummy:TY Every1!:smoke:
  2. Get a job at a pizza shop. No joke.

    You ever see Men In Black 2? And how all the aliens work in the post office?

    Thats how it is with weed.

    Since you have an IT career, just get one day a week job on the weekends or something. Tell them you need the extra money and you're already working six days a week.

    I haven't worked at a single pizza shop where the driver didn't sell drugs, nor heard of one. I have two friends who work at a pizza shop I haven't worked in, where all the cooks work with pistols on the shelves above their stations.

    With both friends I had asked because I heard the rumor, and got the same response from both. And I had asked the second guy a year after the first, and about six months after the first had quit.

    Pizza shops are just breeding grounds for crime in my opinion. :D
  3. Just look for stoner looking types and tell them your new around here and looking for some smoke?

    I moved a few months ago and brought 1 gram with me, i was heaps worried about finding a dealer, first day in the city looking for somewhere to buy a bong, walking past a group of stoner looking types, asked them if they knew where a bong shop was, they gave me directions, then one dude gave me his number, now i see the dude every week :smoking:
  4. this is so damn true. my dealer delivered my pizza once before i even knew him as a dealer. :D

  5. :ey:lol damn. thats just awesome.
    We'll i'mma order some pizza tommorrow and test this out. Hopefully i'll b :bongin: tommorrow night!

    I'll post how it goes after the pizza gets here :smoke:

  6. You should read the rules and use the search button. But welcome to the city.

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