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Just made firecrackers, few questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Evilbert, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. So over the last week or so ive been reading a lot about firecrackers.

    I was given some mids this weekend, and wanted to try them out.

    Im using the 'sit out' method.

    I made 4 fire crackers, using nutella and peanut butter, and about .8 of green for each.

    I plan on letting them sit out all Sunday, Monday, and eat them early tuesday.

    Would these firecrackers get me stoned off my ass?

    Or should i just put them in the oven later, if so for how long and at what temp?
  2. Bump please
  3. Yeah I made them the other day for the first time and they worked pretty good. You put way too much bud on them though. I just sprinkled it on top and I was on my ass
  4. Quite honestly I'd rather do the oven method. Just make sure if you have low tolerance to brace yourself and drink a lot of water or else you might green out.
  5. I agree just go with the oven method
  6. Letting them sit for 2 days won't do anything, they have to sit out for a while (weeks wise)..

    Just throw them in the oven, they don't really have a massive weed smell.
  7. Im going to put them in the oven tomorrow,

    What temperature should I set it as, and for how long should i keep them in there?
  8. #9 tastycolor, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    firecrackers :yummy:

    i forgot to add something knowledgeable. i would say that .8 g is to much and if you are using fumar verdes method i would cook your firecrackers a little bit less then what he says
  9. Thanks guys, im gonna put them in for 350 for about 20 minutes. Ill tell you the results on tuesday

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