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...Just "Lifted"

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Hyp, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Sometimes, like in mid-day or something, I don't wanna be down for the count. I don't wanna be "blazed" or "soooo fuckin high dood". I just want to be "pleasantly lifted". Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Just a couple hits off the glass gets me right in the mood for a bike ride or to cook something really out of the ordinary. Little more than a buzz. Little less than wasted. Juuuust right. :D

    Any other GCers know the "lifted" feeling?

  2. We're seasoned tokers, of course me know the feeling. ;)

    I tend to blaze at night when everything's out of the way and I'm free, and for the rest of my life, it's that perfect lifted feeling. :smoking:

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