Hello everybody, I thought I would bring up a topic and ask everyone what they think is the most effective method of "flipping" into flower is... I use caution when using the word flipping by putting quotes around it because when you think about it, maybe its worth asking: Is cannabis meant to be --as mother nature intented--transitioned into its flowering phase, suddenly and drastically (As one would in an indoor grow with a sudden change of the light cycle and possibly a 36 to 72 hour dark period in between) or gradually, as one would expect to happen in nature, just as from spring to Autumn temperatures gradually rise then fall, and just as Blue sunlight most abundant in springrime eventually gives way to an increased red spectrum in autumn. The reason I ask is because I was considering instead of going from 18/6, having 72 hours of darkness then flipping into 12/12, that this time I do it all gradually reducing the daylight hours and right in the middle of the transition, turning my Bloom lights on, keep reducing daylight by an hour a day until I was at 12/12. I've heard of people diminishing daylight hours toward the end of flower toa 10/14 light cycle. Has anyone else ever wondered About this or tried anything similar? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I have thought about this as well. The natural way is a gradual change like in nature. If you have the time, you can transition the change gradually. I just change it all at once. I don't think the plant has a brain, so it just acts based on external stimulus'. You can start on 12/12 then go to 14/10. Think the leaves fully change color to a cure.
Yeah....there are several topics about this on here that have been made and discussed. A quick search should give ya some decent results..... I dont have to worry about it since I grow autos and leave my light on 24/0
You can buy programmable grow lights , like using Cree/cob led's and a makers controller . You can simulate sun rises , sun sets , lunar moons . lighting storms and fall or winter months I have one tent with the makers controller , you will be using 5 channel boards and drivers . I think they are a good quality light spectrum , but I paid 1400.00 for Led lights that are rated at 375 watts . I can do 1200 watts using Samsung LED's for 1200 bucks .. The cree cob LED's have a better color spectrum then the Samsung amber LED's . From what I have researched the plants don't care for the sudden lights on and off .. Ramping up with a red color spectrum and the same to simulate the sun setting is suppose to be nicer or better to the plants . Simulating natural sunlight should be the objective of any grow light, which is what we considered when picking the array used here. A formal list is below in the chart: we used Far Red (740nm), Photo Red or Deep Reed (660nm), Red (630nm), Royal Blue (450nm) and Warm-White (covers the entire spectrum, but peaks around 450nm and 660nm).
Yep...I perpetual grow in one room....so I have plants of all ages in there....when I harvest one....I throw a seed into the soil and throw it in my room
Nah. I use net pot lids on the buckets. Just lift off a lid from the veg tent, carry to the flower tent and that's it. Wash out the pot lid, hydroton, put your clone in there and away you go.