Just had the talk...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dank4Days, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Ok well this story might be long but here we go. So my parents have been thinking I smoke for awhile but never had any proof. So apparently my mom smelled weed in my backpack which is where I keep my portable bong and stash. Well she checked it and found the bong. Anyways my dad talked to me about it in front of my little bro and grandpa. My grandpa smokes and ive smoked with him and my cousin before. My dad said he's chill with it as long as I get good grades and my life doesn't revolve around weed. lately I've been smoking kinda a lot so I guess im gonna need to stop that for a little. My mom still doesn't like the idea of me smoking but my grades are what keeps me good for smoking. I don't like the thought of my family thinking I'm a huge stoner like my mom. But I'm gonna smoke still of course just maybe take a little break and look good for the parents. Anyways thanks for reading might've been boring but I had to share this story with u gc fellas.
  2. Your good as long as your grades are straight. My Madre was like that.

  3. waaaaaaat!? my mom would take off her chanclas if she ever found out! and u kno wusup wen moms take off their chanclas and uf u dont know well, u betta run bro
  4. #4 Finger My Urethra, Feb 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2013
    You want stories on how to abuse marijuana and get bad grades i imagine you came to the right place.

    If i had one tip about how much your smoking in relation to your life i would direct you to a study done by Canada, i can't find it right now so maybe i shouldnt even say this but the study indicated that anyone who smokes above 3 times a week is a heavy user, so if i were you i would save smoking for ONE day of the week, maybe saturday so u can clear ur head sunday but you gotta stay dedicated and keep it that way..

    This is the point of smoking marijuana..The struggle..It's so hard to stay disciplined when marijuana is introduced into your life but if you can stick with it while your smoking nothing will stop you..Gotta keep that drive alive to succeed regardless of how much you smoke though and if you don't all your discipline and time spent disciplining yourself will be for nothing and if you can grasp that concept in your younger stages youll be unstoppable.
  5. Just keep those grades up! :yay:

    And when the time is right to do that paper on MMJ, or the endocannabinoid system, I have all your research collected and sorted out for you! :D

    For a preview of what I'm talking about, just click that first link in my sig! That is the small version! :eek:

    And may I suggest that you exercise a bit more than usual? It helps take the edge off of quitting. :hello:

    Exercise can reduce cannabis use in persons who don't want to stop (news – 2011)
    Exercise can reduce cannabis use in persons who don't want to stop

    Aerobic Exercise Training Reduces Cannabis Craving and Use in Non-Treatment Seeking Cannabis-Dependent Adults (full – 2011) Aerobic Exercise Training Reduces Cannabis Craving and Use in Non-Treatment Seeking Cannabis-Dependent Adults

    Granny :wave:

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