Just had the closest call of my life with getting caught

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by PrinceOfTheCity, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Wow. My Mom just caught me in the act, but since the door was locked I was able to put my vaporizer and weed in my desk and close the desk as I then unlocked the door as she was pounding. My mom immediately smelled the aroma as expected asks what that smell is. Well both my windows are open and yesterday there was a skunk who left a smell outside so I blamed it on that though however it was obvious that smell was gone yesterday. She wasn't buying it started sniffing around moving bags on the ground etc. But I was hunched over the desk on computer so she didn't make me move or open desk. She then sees my night facial screen cream on my face and says maybe its that, smells it (ofc it smells like Weed I was in middle of tokin' everything smells like weed) and says yeah this must be it.

    Anyway she finally went up now. I finished toking now put my stuff away, she may come down again lol wow. my heart was pounding like crazy and I was already high as fuck. If she caught me I'd be kicked out the house for sure!!! WOW.

    I love you guys!
  2. I love you too. Anyway definitely a close call, congrats on not getting caught. You should smoke outside though dude. I mean it's absolutely beautiful out right now and it's real chill to blaze outside. You may want to consider that next time.
  3. Funny how you live in Cali, where weed has been medical since 1996, and your mom would STILL kick you out the house for it.

  4. Women find men who care about their appearance a lot more attractive.
  5. What's wrong with facial cream?
    Saying that to make you feel good about yourself?
  6. Damn almost got grounded and lost your allowance

  7. Yeah I got lazy, I usually would go outside then after months of doing that without issue I figured they must not be too into what I'm doing and started doing it in my room. Went a few months on a good streak now this, from now on outside 100% of the time. I feel Irish.

    Naw, the ladiesssss :D

    Strict/strange parents probably think make my grades go down, make me unhealthy, make me dumb. Yet I got my 1st 4.0 GPA in a semester at University last year while being a toker.

    this all day. My skin is already flawless but to maintain it you gotta do whats best.
  8. And you put on lotion probably, what's the difference?

  9. I thought I was the only person who does that,,
  10. OP, I just wanted to jump in for two reasons.

    1: She probably knows, and doesn't care as much as you think she wants you to think she cares - It's probably more a matter of "Hm...ok...I just don't want to know about it and/or endorse it".
    Not saying for sure, but I don't think many people would confuse the scent of some skunk and...an actual skunk.

    2: For solidarity.
    There is nothing wrong with a man using cosmetic products. Shit, I was born in 1981 so in the 90's I copped it in high school when people heard about things I did...but...I still did them. I hope the attitudes towards it have lightened up a bit.
    I exfoliate, I use toner, post-shave deep moisturiser, I pluck my eyebrows, and I use anti-wrinkle eye-cream, and I limit my sun exposure.
    I'm now 31, and I know folks in their early to mid 20's that have more wrinkles, a more haggard complexion and more crows feet than me.
    So, it pays.
    I'm with you man.
  11. The first time I got caught by my parents they were suspicious of me because I was acting stoned when I came home.

    I thought I was in the clear and went up to my bedroom and started posting about it here on grasscity. A few minutes later my mom walks in and sees me posting on here and puts its all together and sat me down for "the talk".
  12. Nothin gay about taking care of yourself.
  13. If u go a vapor closet is bet just try move clothes to one side or bathroom turn tv or ax on
  14. I have cream next to my bed for other things
  15. [quote name='"TinTizzy"']Damn almost got grounded and lost your allowance[/quote]

    Lol, just what I was thinking.
  16. I thought vapes didn't smell...
  17. #18 Slater 420, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    dude you'll get caught eventually, i thought i was untouchable til i got caught out, happened many times since due to being careless i guess, just be smart about it, if your gunna smoke in the house, even roll your bud in the house wait till they are out/asleep

    i was in my room and my parents managed to smell my weed from downstairs and i was only grinding it up, clearly it fucking stank but being inpatient to get high can cost you, usually a few hours of your life in an un-winnable argument

    even though its only weed pretty much all the women in my family are nurses so they always tell me how bad it is for me... Im never gunna win the argument so fuck it

  18. She might know. This is the 2nd close call, last time I had stupidly come home after a trip to SF for a Wiz Khalifa concert where a friend game me like 4gs of weed in a ziploc. No one was home when I got home I just put it in my desk while I showered. Came out my mom is in my room sniffing around again rofl. She didn't find it and I hid it properly after that.

    damn bro how did that talk go doesn't sound like the business

    they will not smell much publicly, but in a small room like mine they will give off atleast a noticable scent.

    I hope you're wrong about me getting caught I'll do my best not to. I usually wait until both parents KO around 11PM because they both get up at 5 for work, however for some reason my mom came down after going to bed at around midnight tonight weird as fuck. First time she's done that in like 5 years so I'll chalk it up as a fluke for now, and try to be EXTRA careful.
  19. i $hit in a cup and put it on my moms face every night metaphorically speaking

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